DYM Summit 2022

DYM Summit 2024

Whether you are a veteran Director of Youth Ministry (DYM) heading into your tenth year of ministry or you just started working at the parish yesterday, this event is for YOU!

On Wednesday, August 21, we will hold our annual DYM Summit at St. Ambrose in Annandale. This is the largest gathering of DYMs each year in the Diocese and is a great opportunity to meet new DYMs and to connect with those that you already know. Meet the new Directors of Youth Ministry that were hired over the summer, learn about updates to the office, the calendar of events for the coming school year, hear about the annual theme, gather for a deanery meeting, and be encouraged in your ministry by our keynote speaker, Everett Fritz.

We encourage all Directors of Youth Ministry to attend, and we hope to see you there!

Please RSVP to 703-841-2559.