CDA Live Stream Mass


A Message from Bishop Burbidge

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

            In this Jubilee year for our diocese, the theme for the 2024 Bishop's Lenten Appeal (BLA) is “Behold, I make all things new.” The period of preparation for the momentous occasion of our 50-year Golden Anniversary has been a special time for our diocesan family as we remember the past with gratitude, rejoice in God's many blessings, and renew our faith and trust in the Lord our God.

            The celebration of the 50th anniversary of our diocese moves us to a profound sense of thanksgiving for the gifts that God has provided, especially his grace and mercy. We are inspired with the desire to share what we have received from our Lord, especially by carrying out corporal and spiritual works of mercy. Your participation in the BLA is a way of both offering thanks to God and sharing the Good News of his Gospel.

            I ask you to consider prayerfully a sacrificial pledge to this year's BLA and help support the 40+ programs and ministries that serve countless people in our parishes and throughout the diocese. Your gift will be used to enrich and improve the lives of others and reveal to them the compassion of Christ.

            During this special time of preparation for our Jubilee year, may our hearts be renewed so that we draw closer to our Lord

            Through the intercession of Mary Our Mother, may Our Lord Jesus bless you with His peace and joy

                                                                                                                                                                            Sincerely in Christ,

                                                                             Bishop Burbidge Signature

                                                                                                                                                                                 Most Reverend Michael F. Burbidge

                                                                                                                                                                                 Bishop of Arlington


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The Bishop's Lenten Appeal (BLA) supports our Diocese in its mission of sharing the love and mercy of Christ through serving the needy, educating and forming youth, encouraging vocations, promoting a culture of life and assisting the clergy, religious, and lay people who help build and strengthen our diocesan Church.

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