• USCCB Pastoral Letter to Asian and Pacific Islander Catholics

    "Encountering Christ in Harmony:A Pastoral Response to Our Asian and Pacific Island Brothers and Sisters"

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Office of Multicultural Ministries

In 2004, Bishop Paul S. Loverde, the third Bishop of Arlington, established the Office of Multicultural Ministries as a response to the pastoral needs of the diocese and to the pastoral letter of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) entitled Welcoming the Stranger Among Us: Unity in Diversity. Looking for a Mass in a specific language? Check out the schedule of Multicultural Masses offered in the Diocese of Arlington. 



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Multicultural Group

Mass for Multicultural Communities

Celebrate our unity in diversity! All are invited to the annual Mass for Multicultural Communities celebrated by Bishop Michael Burbidge, con-celebrated by priests of The Diocese of Arlington.

One Mother, One Family V4

One Mother, One Family

This Scriptural Meditation on the Rosary pairs each mystery with sacred art of Jesus and Mary from both the Western and Eastern Churches. The inclusion of this “worldwide art” in the Rosary book allows the reader to truly see the Catholic Church as universal and to see Jesus and Mary as sharing in our humanity. Available in paperback and ebook. This book is life changing for anyone who wants to experience the beauty and depth of the Rosary as never before. The Office of the Bishop has issued the Nihil Obstat and Imprimatur on the book.


Advisory Council on Racism

Bishop Burbidge announced the decision to form an Advisory Council on Racism at the Requiem for the Black Children of God, a prayer service held in early August, to be comprised of Black Catholic leaders, including clergy, lay men and lay women. Candidates were considered after receiving recommendations from pastors, The Office of Multicultural Ministries, and other ministry leaders.

Vietnamese Dance

New book shares ideas to engage Asian Catholics

"The diocesan Office of Multicultural Ministries is ramping up outreach to the Asian and Pacific Island (API) Catholic community through a new book, 'Encountering Christ in Harmony: A Pastoral Response to Our Asian and Pacific Island Brothers and Sisters, published by the U.S. Catholic Conference of Bishops'..."

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USCCB Pastoral Response API Catholics

U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops Announces Encountering Christ in Harmony: A Pastoral Response to Our Asian and Pacific Island Brothers and Sisters

Approved by the U.S. bishops during their Spring 2018 General Assembly, the pastoral response will guide the Catholic Church in the United States in addressing the pastoral needs of Asian and Pacific Island communities and provide a framework for dioceses and parishes for creating their pastoral plans or actions specific to their circumstances.

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Candlelight vigil for victims of Emanuel AME massacre 640 480px

U.S. Bishops establish new web page to address sin of racism

Along with establishing a new committee, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops website now has a page addressing the sin of racism.The page features news about responses and efforts within the Church along with liturgical resources and teaching resources.

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People Holding Hands featured content

Pope Francis Gives Us 4 Verbs on Migration: Welcome, Protect, Promote, Integrate

Pope Francis released an official address to participants in the international forum on "Migration and Peace." In his address, he said, "The beginning of this third millennium is very much characterized by migratory movement which, in terms of origin, transit and destination, involves nearly every part of the world. Unfortunately, in the majority of cases this movement is forced, caused by conflict, natural disasters, persecution, climate change, violence, extreme poverty and inhumane living conditions... Our shared response may be articulated by four verbs: to welcome, to protect, to promote and to integrate."

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Bishop Burbidge speaking

Bishop Burbidge Affirms Need for Immigration Reform

The following statement was released by Bishop Michael Burbidge, Bishop of Arlington, on January 26, 2017: Yesterday Bishop Joe Vasquez, Chair of the Committee of Migration and Bishop of the Diocese of Austin, issued a statement available below. In solidarity with Bishop Vasquez and my brother bishops, it is my hope and prayer that our elected officials will respond to the needs of our immigrants and their families in a way that respects their dignity as human persons, and that all entrusted with the protection and safety of our nation will carry out these sacred duties and responsibilities in a fair, just and responsible manner.

Read Bishop Vasquez's Statement
Graduation Image

Diversity Scholarship Available!

For anyone interested in seeking a graduate degree, Diversity Scholarships are available to students interested in any graduate degree at Divine Mercy University.

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Pope Francis kisses baby

Check Out What's Going On with the Catholic Church around the World

Learn more about the advancements with the Catholic Church in countries all around the world, from the Americas, to Europe, to the Middle East, Asia, and Africa. The Vatican Radio website provides such information, keeping Catholics across the world up-to-date with the Catholic Church.

View the Vatican Radio Website
Altar with Crucifix

Multicultural Mass Information

Discover when and where to attend a Mass in a different language or with a specific culture. The Catholic Diocese of Arlington offers multiple, regular Masses for the following communities: Brazilian, Cameroon, Deaf Ministry, Eritrean (Ge'ez Rite), Filipino, Irish (Gaelic), Ghanaian, Indian Syro-Malabar Rite, Indian (Tamil), Korean, Sierra Leone and Vietnamese.

View Our Mass Schedule