About the Peace and Justice Commission

"As I have loved you, so you also should love one another." John 13:34 

Rooted in Christ, the Peace and Justice Commission advises and collaborates with the Bishop of Arlington in promoting a diocesan commitment to peace, justice and the dignity of every human person in accordance with the principles of Catholic social teaching. It does this through evangelization, formation and advocacy. Learn more about the Commission.

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Entrepreneurship at the Service of the Human Person: Celebrating the Dignity of Work

View this conversation with Andreas Widmer at the 2024 diocesan Peace and Justice Conference, Entrepreneurship at the Service of the Human Person. Mr. Widmer is Founder and Director of the Center for Principled Entrepreneurship at The Catholic University of America Busch School of Business and author of The Pope and the CEO: Pope St. John Paul's Lessons to a Young Swiss Guard, and The Art of Principled Entrepreneurship: Creating Enduring Value.

 "Entrepreneurship is an invitation to be creative, to participate in God's creative act. The human person is the only investment with the potential of infinite returns. Thus, person-centered entrepreneurship is a most noble calling." - Andreas Widmer

Glorify God. Protect his creation. 

What is Laudato Si'?

Learn about Pope Francis' encyclical on preserving God's Creation, and why it is a fundamental part of our duty to safeguard all human life from conception until natural death. Learn how our diocese is joining with the Holy Father in this effort, and how you can be a part of it. 

See our diocesan Laudato Si' Reflection Document and First-Year Action Plan.

To be part of our diocesan effort, click on Pray, Learn and Act to Glorify God in His Creation

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Meghan Goodwin of our diocese shares how her family makes stewardship of creation a part of their daily life.

CDA Live Stream Mass

Father Bob Cilinski, Peace and Justice Commission Chair and priest of the Arlington Diocese, urges us that caring for God's creation is caring for life.